Nursery Schools in Yelahanka Bangalore

Gazebo classroom for Playgroup & Nursery Spacious rooms with vibrant colour furniture

LKG & UKG Class

LKG & UKG Haven: Spacious, vibrant, and equipped for exploration

Top 10 Pre Schools in Yelahanka Bangalore

Interactive Board room

Preschool in Yelahanka New Town, Bangalore

In-house kitchen & Dining hall

Children's sleeping area with low beds, colorful headboards, and neatly arranged bedding.

Day care

Pre School Bangalore near me

Organic Farming Pods

VVP Auditorium


Pre-primary play area

Preprimary Playarea

Close-up view of a security camera mounted outdoors at night, with a glowing red indicator light and a blurred background of trees.


Best Preschool and Play School in Yelahanka New Town, Bangalore

In-house Transport

Large Grounds for playtime

Large Playground

Playful Haven

Day Care

Being a working parent can be challenging. At Vishwa Vidyapeeth we provide a safe place for your child after he/she finishes school. As one of the top Pre Schools in Yelahanka Bangalore, we house a day care facility for all our in-house students till 3:00 pm with a bus drop facility. The daycare runs as per the requirements of the parents and we offer flexibility in the same. Students have a nap time to allow the mind and body to relax after lunch and healthy food/fruit snack break is given to the children in the evening. Further, we provide them with recreational programs including toy libraries and play time. Effective day plan is made to keep children actively engaged.
Young children resting on colorful beds, covered with blankets, in a cozy classroom setting. Pre Schools in Yelahanka Bangalore
Day Care

Cherished Moments, Caring Spaces: Elevating the Day Care Experience

Being a working parent can be challenging. At Vishwa Vidyapeeth we provide a safe place for your child after he/she finishes school. We house a day care facility for all our in-house students till 3:00 pm with a bus drop facility. The daycare runs as per the requirements of the parents and we offer flexibility in the same. Students have a nap time to allow the mind and body to relax after lunch and healthy food/fruit snack break is given to the children in the evening. Further, we provide them with recreational programs including toy libraries and play time. Effective day plan is made to keep children actively engaged.
In-house Kitchen & Dining

Nutritious & Healthy Eating Habits

Food and nutrition are an integral part of grooming a child and hence are given utmost importance at Vishwa Vidyapeeth. We have a well maintained, hygienic kitchen and food is prepared with proper measurements to ensure quality and hygiene.

The inhouse kitchen caters nutritious, healthy and balanced breakfast and lunch for all the students. The food menu is carefully designed keeping in mind a balanced diet while also being healthy, nutritious and tasty. We ensure the children have sufficient portions with respect to their age.  The food menu is shared with the parents on a weekly basis through the school app.

We do keep a strict vigil when it comes to “no waste of food”, students are advised to clean the food on their plate without wasting. This brings in a very important life lesson of how important food is and wasting food is not encouraged.
