Providing a balanced overall school experience to students that includes academics, co-scholastic and enrichment skills in the right proportion!

Enriched Curriculum

The enrichment programme facilitates students to realise their potential in a diverse setting beyond the classroom. Students develop a sense of self-awareness and an understanding of school and community needs and opportunities. They also learn how to apply their gifts and skills to make a positive impact.

At VVP, we believe in a balanced, overall school experience for a child. This includes both academics, co-curricular and Enrichment skills that we incite students to do their best both inside and outside the classroom.

Our enrichment programmes are clubbed into three categories, catering to different focus groups:

Creativity and Culture

Through Theatre, art, Music students learn to work as a team and infuse their creative abilities in their projects with values and lessons. These bring in individual as well as collaborative learning to emphasise on growth and development in the personality of a child.

We cater to Dance and theatre, art and crafts, robotics, Music as part of their creative learning skills.

Students in red uniforms on stage, holding certificates, with festive decorations in the background.
Young children in red uniforms playing on swings and playground equipment in a schoolyard.


We understand the need for a physical fitness and hence give importance to a lot of outdoor activities for every student. With the state-of-the-art sports facilities for swimming, basketball, football, badminton, Skating, the child is not left with making physical fitness a part of their daily activity. This allows us to also imbibe in them the need for a healthy lifestyle which in turn complements their academic achievements as well.


Language being an important and integral part of a communication, we emphasise our students in public speaking activities right from Grade 1 classes. With global perspective lessons and presentations, students will learn the need and importance of the right way of communications which will impact the surrounding around them. Presently, we have English and foreign language activities, career workshops-for higher class students guiding them on the path ahead, Skype Mela-communication with students around the world, yearbook- writing their journals in the lower classes helps them to move ahead with the yearbook during their formative years, farming- teaches them the value of food, and mother tongue activities- being connected with the roots is something which has paramount importance for all of us at Vishwa Vidyapeeth.

Exclusive Sports

Physical Education is an integral part of the Vishwa Vidyapeeth curriculum for all of our students from the Preprimary to the Secondary School.

In addition to our co-scholastic activities, Vishwa Vidyapeeth students are also able to participate in a large number of sporting activities. We encourage all children to participate in maximum activities during the primary years and move towards specialization as they move from middle school to secondary years. In addition the enhanced sporting facilities enables us to coach students for all inter-house, inter-school, state & national level competitions.

At Vishwa Vidyapeeth, we encourage maximum participation, individual aspiration and personal excellence. These sporting events promote healthy competition, pursuit of excellence, social and cultural interaction and the development of friendships within the school. Sports plays its role in moulding students by boosting their self-esteem and helps them work on their innate skills.

Vishwa Vidyapeeth has tied up with CAPSA for all its sporting facilities.

Students in red uniforms sitting on yoga mats, practicing meditation in a school setting.


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A swimming instructor in a red shirt helps a young child practice floating in a pool.


A badminton coach demonstrates a shot while a young player observes on an indoor court.


Students in white karate uniforms practicing high kicks during a martial arts training session.


A young goalkeeper in action, diving to block an orange soccer ball during practice on a grassy field.


Students playing table tennis in an indoor sports room while a coach observes.

Table Tennis

Student playing basketball on an outdoor court, attempting a jump shot while others observe.


Two students playing carrom while another student observes in an indoor recreational area.


Two young students playing chess on a balcony with a scenic outdoor view.


Students Counseling

Mental health is unique to each child. We are in a fast-moving world, and our children are exposed and live in an era where human emotions are shared over the touch of a mobile phone. We understand the positive effects of counseling and the benefits they bring for an institution. So, an inhouse school-based counselling is the need of the hour which basically aims at helping students function more effectively in the school and with his surroundings.

Many of the parents have a communication gap with their children, and for which the children find it difficult to deal with some of the simplest issues in life.

Teacher assisting a young student with a hands-on learning activity in a classroom while another student works independently.

Most of us become judgmental when it comes to our own child, but this may create a wrong perception about human behaviour in the child’s mind. At such times, a counsellor can make a better connection with the student and explore their behavioural patterns and help them in a more effective manner.

A trained counsellor may need to deal with many cases which revolve around issues like family, peer pressure, indiscipline and even psychological. And if not handled carefully, these issues can influence students to make wrong decisions. As a school, we do invest in school counselling as it surely improves the well-being and performance of the students.

University Fair At VVP

The University Fair at Vishwa Vidyapeeth is an annual event organized for the students of High School. The event attracts not only students from Vishwa Vidyapeeth but also high school students from various other schools. Students benefit from the fair, engaging in insightful discussions with university representatives regarding courses, campus locations, scholarships, admission requirements, facilities, and fee structures. The interactive sessions provide students with a valuable opportunity to clarify doubts about subjects, courses, and potential career paths.

Importantly, the fair also welcomes the active participation of parents who get the chance to have their queries regarding courses, scholarships, and financial planning clarified. The fair underscores the significance in bridging the gap between educational institutions and aspiring students, contributing to a successful and enriching event.