School Bag & Diary

  • All students should carry their books, stationery and water bottles in the school bag.
  • School diary has to be brought daily to school.
  • The students should get the diary signed by their parents whenever instructed by the teachers. All belongings like school bags, shoes, school jackets etc. should be labelled.

Late Arrivals

  • The School expects its students to be punctual at all times.
  • Ensure your ward is in campus on or before 8:00 a.m. positively from Monday to Friday. Late comers will not be allowed for whatsoever reason.

Birthday Celebrations

Every child is unique……..

  • Casual clothing is permitted in the campus on birthdays, only up to class V.
  • However, if the child wishes to celebrate his/her birthday you can send a box of sweets/toffees that your ward can distribute to classmates only.
  • Classes 6 & above should come in regular school uniform only. No distribution of sweets from class VI and above.

Disciplinary Issues

Regarding disciplinary issues, students are counselled by teachers and Principal. However, if the same persist, three coloured slips (yellow, pink & red) will be issued after which the student may be suspended. We solicit the cooperation of parents when we first brief them on disciplinary issues related to their wards.

Absence From School

  • A child who has been absent the previous day will be permitted to the class if he/she is carrying a written application.
  • No leave should be taken without prior sanction. In case of unforeseen circumstances, the school authorities should be notified as soon as possible.
  • Students will not be sent home early for any functions or outings. Parents are requested to refrain from making this request.
  • Repeated absence from the school for more than a week without information renders the students liable to have his/her name struck off   school rolls.
  • Students suffering/diagnosed with communicable diseases like viral fever, chicken pox, measles, mumps, conjunctivitis should produce a doctor’s certificate stating that the child is medically fit to attend school on the date   of joining.
  • 85 % and above attendance is mandatory for a child during one academic

School Transport

  • The school provides transport facility to all those who want to avail it at a reasonable cost.
  • The school buses will pick up students from pre-decided/defined pick-up points at a pre-designated time.
  • Parents should ensure the presence of their wards at the pick-up point 4-5 minutes before the arrival of the bus.
  • In case of Pre-primary students, parents should ensure that an authorized person receives their wards at the halting/drop point.
  • On days when students are taking leave or not availing the transport for any reason, the Transport coordinator should be informed about it before

The students have curricular and co-curricular competitions and programs every month. They will be awarded certificates and merit notes for their performances at the appropriate time.

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    For Year 2025-2026

    Contact Us Varthur - (7022009757 / 7676227483)