Teaching Methodology - Top 5 best high schools in Varthur Bangalore
In secondary level of schooling, we follow the CBSE framework.
Our teaching approach marks the significance in our students. And that is where we make a lasting impact. Our students love their activity-oriented learning process. They indulge in enacting the lessons, participate in group discussions, involve in exercises, and have ample opportunities to confront problem solving and critical thinking situations. Students are made to feel part of the learning evolution through active involvement. In sciences, emphasis is laid on experiments, making learning a joyful experience.
Overall, we focus on honing the skills of the child in a holistic manner, so that he/she becomes empowered to face future challenges and be a good citizen in tomorrow’s world. Our syllabus makes it convenient for the students to opt for Pure Science, Medicine, Engineering and IIT. Besides, most successful students of competitive examinations, IITJEE, KVPY, Science Olympiads and Mathematics Olympiads are nurtured by CBSE.

Secondary School Scholastic Subjects – Academic
Grades 9 & 10
- I Language: English
- II Language: Kannada / Hindi
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Information Technology
Secondary School Co-Scholastic Subjects – Non Academic
Grades 9 & 10
- Library
- Art and Craft
- Dance/ Music
- Bhagavad Gita – Life Lessons
- Physical Education
- Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)
- Club
- Yoga (Mandatory)
- Sports Classes
- Mandatory – Skating/ Taekwondo/ Yoga
- Other Sports – Football/Cricket/Basketball/Throwball & Traditional Games
- Science & Math Olympiad
- Inter School competitions
Secondary School Assessment Program
We follow the CBSE pattern of assessment in secondary school.
Theory- 80 Marks
Internal Assessment: 20 Marks which splits as below:
Periodic Assessment: 5 Marks
Multiple Assessment: 5 Marks
Portfolio: 5 Marks
SEA (Subject Enrichment Activities): 5 Marks
Please Note:
Notebook submission is a part of internal assessment. It is aimed at enhancing the seriousness of students towards preparing notes for the topics being taught in the classroom as well as assignments.
Subject enrichment activity is a subject specific activity aimed at enrichment of the understanding and skill development of the student.