Vishwa Vidyapeeth has a specific Internal VVP transfer policy as per which we will be give first preference to our children transferring from our own branches before providing seats for children coming from other school. This is applicable for admission throughout the year, based on availability of seat to that particular curriculum and class.
In case there is a change of curriculum, while moving from one branch to another, we will need to take up the readmission procedure and do all necessary formalities as per the board of your choice.
In case there is a break in the continuation of education between the branches, such an admission will be treated as fresh admission only.
In case of internal transfer from one branch to another branch, in the same curriculum and class (as per the child’s status of education), the school will ensure a smooth transition phase for both the child as well as the parents. The faculty and staff at VVP are trained to ensure a smooth integration of your child’s academic records as well as providing the hand-holding for initial transition.
To initiate a transfer process, parents or legal guardians are required to submit the following documents at their current school’s administration office:
List of Documents
- Internal Transfer Application duly signed by the Head of the School
- Recent Exam results
(*as per the policy decision of the school)
Important Points to note:
- All parents withdrawing their wards after the completion of academic year should submit the transfer application before close of academic year.
- Transfer certificate will be issued only after all dues of the current school are settled.
- The policy is subject to change as per the decision of Management or intimation by Education Boards