Online Classes
In many ways, new challenges have brought in tremendous changes in the teaching and learning pattern at Vishwa Vidyapeeth. With education going completely online within a span period of months, the VVP faculty team geared up to the occasion and prepared themselves for the digital era that lies ahead of us. Even after the physical classes resume, the school will continue to expand its technological base in imparting education to children.
As physical classroom sessions were no longer feasible in the current situation due to lockdown, the school had to quickly innovate and augment their digital capabilities to make up for the missing class hours. At VVP, we believe that each child should finish their portions as per the class in an orderly fashion to ensure that they have a smooth transition to the next level. Hence the school planned for additional pre-recorded video (PRV) sessions for children which gave the school lots of benefits:
- The teacher does not need to rush through the portions. They can finish part of the class through PRVs due to restrictions on the online class timings
- The PRVs helped teacher to re-emphasise on difficult concepts for children which could not be done thoroughly only through online sessions.
- Parents could replay and explain the PRV to children. This was a boon, particularly for working parents.
- Some teachers used to send the concept-based PRVs the previous day, so that child was having some basic idea about the topic that she was going to take in the class, on the next day.
- Children had the flexibility to take up these classes at a time feasible for them. They could also revise it before the exams
- As per PRVs were prepared by the same teachers, they could connect better with what was being taught in the classes.

At large, parents have appreciated the efforts of teachers, delivered via such PRV & online classes. Though time and again we have seen that people are resistant to adapt to changes, the lockdown time had the opposite effect on people. Both teachers and students are now ready to go outside their comfort zones and adapt to the new technology.
Remedial Classes
VVP has always believed that every child is unique. We do not believe that some children are smart and some cannot cope up. With proper support and guidance, each child can pull him/her up as per their capability.
VVP gives that extra support to children with its programme of remedial programmes. Children stay back after school or take additional classes for specific subjects so that the struggling learners can shore up their basic skills. The teacher can also give special attention to the children in such cases. Any gaps in understanding a subject can be well taken care of with such additional care.
A school curriculum provides the learners as well as all stake holders a measurable plan and structure to effectively deliver the subject. However, the delivery of curriculum and the pace taken by children to pick up the same differs from child to child. Hence that extra attention in lower classes specially can do wonders for your child.
We take care of the following points while preparing for the remedial classes:
- They are research – based, using proven techniques
- They are conducted in a way to match the child’s pace
- There is no rush to finish the content. The idea is to clarify the basic concepts to the child
- Regular assessments to check if the remedial are bringing improvement in the child’s performance
- Adopt a different approach to teach rather than repeating what was already taught in the class
- Provide regular worksheet and practice materials to help child practice more frequently the concepts being taught
Digital Learning
VVP has always been one step ahead, when it comes to building up our capabilities for the changes brought in by the revolution in education system. Maybe, that has been the pivotal reason, why our digital learning sessions became popular over a short period of time. Both, parents and children were comfortable seeing their teachers in the new slot.
Today we have shifted to a virtual mode of education which will have long term effects on our system. Keeping this in mind, we have moved to e-education as our add on feature apart from the physical classrooms. This helps us to reach out to students at all times and give them that additional help – in many helping parents to do away with tuitions after school and making children more independent.
The Indian Government is also aiming at expanding the potential of our unique Indian system by encouraging digital literacy and simulating technology-based learning. It is quintessential that the entire eco-system of the school also gears up for this huge change and at VVP, that is what we believe in.