Message From The Director
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. As we enter the new year, we continue working towards one goal – establishing Vishwa Vidyapeeth school that provides students intelligence and character to become the future leaders of our country, in whichever field they choose to excel.
The two core pillars of Vishwa Vidyapeeth – rigorous academics delivered by great teachers and a school culture that is structured and achievement-oriented – are designed to provide students with the tools for school and life success. We are building a seamless school that will provide students with the qualitative education and character development needed to put them on the path to college graduation. We know that there is no easy solution to achieve our ambitious goal. Instead, ambitious teachers will work relentlessly to determine what students need academically and then provide it to them.
- A rigorous school preparatory academic program grounded in literacy, science and math educates students for long-term academic and career success.
- Purposeful assessment of student progress with tailored interventions empowers every student to succeed.
- A structured school environment founded on accountability, support, and joy is critical for building a culture of high achievement.
- A value-based culture of Courage, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance and Compassion prepares students to be leaders and overcome any challenge.
- Meaningful relationships between the school and community; and between teachers and their students are the strongest support for the work we do.

Shaping young, impressionable minds is one of life’s biggest challenges.
Education is a life-long learning process. Learning happens not only in a pre-designated place called the school – it happens all the time. It happens at school, home and in the society as well. At Vishwa Vidyapeeth we believe that the mission of both the parents and the school therefore is to provide a learning environment and opportunities to the children as the learners.
Following the guru-shishya tradition at Vishwa Vidyapeeth, the teachers approach the classroom as one does at a place of worship. The relationship of a teacher and a student takes time to develop and deepen, and with proper nurturing, we can create a climate of love and trust. A lot of energy and time needs to be invested to ensure continuity between teachers and students both within the classroom and in the school environment.
The main motto behind our efforts is to provide an environment that is basically sacred, within the framework of discipline that is flexible yet supportive. Such freedom should allow students to learn even from their mistakes, to develop into a person moulded by the correlatives of freedom and responsibility. We have imbibed the learning from Bhagavad Gita to help our students find the right path ahead.
We are continuously guided by core team that works towards improvising the appropriate principles in child development by introducing innovative scholastic and co-scholastic modules appropriate to the present generation. This helps us to provide the material for the child’s development in all aspects – social, emotional and cognitive.
Parental involvement in a child’s education process is important for your child and a gift to the school. This partnership is strongly encouraged and highly valued at Vishwa Vidyapeeth.
We value igniting the spark of creativity and curiosity in our students.
The distinctive and firm underlying philosophy of Vishwa Vidyapeeth is to provide education to our children that infused with the rich Indian educational tradition and core values. The practical experience of learning enables our children to imbibe something from the school daily – either in their hand, or their mind and especially something in their heart.
We thank you again for your interest in Vishwa Vidyapeeth School. The children in our community deserve the kind of game-changing results that will help them succeed in future and with your support, we will build such a school.
On behalf of the entire Vishwa Vidyapeeth team, we thank you for your support and partnership as we work together to bring our VVPian goals to life.

विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् । पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम् ॥
“Education Gives Humility; Humility Gives Character,
From Character One Gets Wealth, From Wealth One Gets Righteousness,
In Righteousness There Is Joy.”
To provide a well-rounded curriculum, facilities and an environment which empower both the learner and the educator to reach their maximum potential.
‘Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man’
– Swami Vivekananda
We, at Vishwa Vidyapeeth believe that every child has the potential to reach this ‘perfection’ provided he/she has the right motivation and the right guidance. It is our aim to provide holistic stimulus to each child to maximize every aspect of his or her potential- be it intellectual, physical, emotional, social, ethical, artistic or cultural. We aspire to perpetuate the ‘Guru- Shishya’ tradition that has been the hallmark of our rich culture and create global citizens with a strong ‘Indian’ core.
Core Values Of VVP