Mother On Duty (मातृ देवो भव)

At Vishwa Vidyapeeth, we let mothers “see”, “live” & “believe” the process of holistic education with the “Mother-On-Duty (मातृ देवो भव)” Concept. This allows the mother of each student to take a tour of the school and evaluate the atmosphere that the children study in.

At Vishwa Vidyapeeth, we let mothers “see”, “live” & “believe” the process of holistic education with the “Mother-On-Duty (मातृ देवो भव)” Concept. This allows the mother of each student to take a tour of the school and evaluate the atmosphere that the children study in.

“Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There’s no bond so strong in the entireworld. No love so instantaneous and forgiving.”

– Gail Tsukiyama

Vishwa Vidyapeeth welcomes you to join the Mother-On-Duty (मातृ देवो भव) Venture

Mother Is the First Teacher of a Child

A child is the greatest blessing of God to the parents. But along with this angel, comes the responsibility of nurturing and growing your child. This is not an easy job and requires a great amount of patience and perseverance. Children have highly impressionable minds, and they watch and copy just about everything. While raising happy, positive children, a mother spends the maximum time with her baby, therefore she becomes the first teacher of her child and the child believes her and follows her completely.

To the mind of a mother, who loves her children, no subject can have so deep an interest as that which has respect to the well-being of her offspring. Young mothers, especially, feel the need, the great need of the hints and help to be derived from others’ experience. Parenting is a team effort. There is an old African proverb that says it takes a village to raise a child.

While a child is influenced and shaped by the entire society, there are no individuals who play a more pivotal role in this than the parents and the school. It involves promoting a child’s well-being, by supporting his/her physical, intellectual, emotional and social development.

Hence, Vishwa Vidyapeeth has taken the initiative of introducing Mother-On-Duty (मातृ देवो भव) concept which will help us bridge such gaps. As per the scheduled dates, the mothers should arrive on campus and spend the day in school where they will get to see first-hand how the day to day routine of the school are scheduled.

This unique concept has been introduced to allow parents to have more transparency about the school programs and also have an inside view of the school life of your child. As a Mother on Duty, we expect you to duly discharge the duties of a parent at campus and help us to improve with constructive feedback.

The Mother-on-duty will be allowed to be a part of each and every area in the school while on duty right from the Gate duty to welcome children coming in to school early in the morning to the dining area (food tasting and inspection duty), addressing our children in the assembly to inspire them as well as visit of class rooms during class hours. The dates are scheduled and given out in the start of the session to all mothers to help them plan much ahead for the same.

Come and be a part of our initiative to be more transparent and build a better school for our children!!

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    For Year 2025-2026

    Contact Us Varthur - (7022009757 / 7676227483)