Environment Study
Vishwa Vidyapeeth believes that education should cover all facets of human life. Hence taking things beyond the textbook, we open up nature to our students at school. Instead of doing candle marches and arm-chair discussions, we want our children to be the catalyst of change in the society. In this regard several programmes are conducted to make children aware of the supreme value of a healthy environment.
The steps taken in this regard include:
Bulletin boards displaying research information on how to preserve and promote environmental activities.
- Enrichment talks by experts in this field
- Presentations to enhance environmental issues and what steps to take
- Workshops on methods of recycling waste, measuring and curbing pollution, ways to conserve our natural and cultural heritage etc.
- Field trips organised to forests, bird sanctuaries, river fronts, water works, factories and farms, etc. to learn valuable inputs in making them sensitive to matters related to the environment.
- Joint programmes by teachers and students to put these lessons into implementation within the campus.
- Encouraged to give saplings as birthday gifts