Science Activities

VVP seeks to involve children of the middle school (class 6, 7 and 8) in Science – related practical work in an informal way. It is our belief that understanding and experiencing Science does not require formal laboratory-type experiments. At VVP, we try to provide opportunities for the children:

  • To develop skills of observation and systematic as well as precise recording of results.
  • To develop the skills of inquiry, measurement, estimation, classification.
  • Obtaining and using information to communicate and apply knowledge to different situations.
  • To work hands-on leading to acquiring confidence in handling lab materials and tools.
  • To observe demos and practical activities being done by teachers and then imitate the experiments on their own safely under the guidance of experts
  • To improvise on the experiments with their own inputs and ideas using the available and other inexpensive materials based on their theory classes.

Vishwa Vidyapeeth believes in linking science with everyday items and materials of common use to help children gain practical knowledge, in a fun way!

Activities designed to clarify the concepts of the middle school science syllabus are first tested by the teachers before being carried out by the students. Also included are the activities which develop skills like listening, following instructions (written/oral) and learning to work in cooperative groups.

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    For Year 2025-2026

    Contact Us Varthur - (7022009757 / 7676227483)