Value Education

We have seen a lot of unwarranted behaviour especially in children of younger ages which is imitation of the society around them. Though we cannot restrict all elements in the society, as a child grows, they need to know what is right and what is wrong so that they make the correct decision.

In the fast world of globalisation, junk food, corruption and a world of diminishing values, students are under continuous stress to compete and prove themselves. The education system should take the charge in this case to prepare our next generation to adapt better in the dynamic society by bringing back the required values into the society. In this context, value education takes higher importance in the education pyramid.

The objectives of imparting value education at VVP is:

  1. To improve the integral growth of our children
  2. To create attitudes and adapt to the sustainable lifestyle pattern
  3. To increase awareness about our country’s rich culture, heritage and arts, Constitutional rights, National integration, Community development and Social commitments
  4. To create awareness in the students’ minds about their role and duties in the society, defining their social goals
  5. To create awareness about their required interaction with all elements of nature

We have adopted the teaching of Bhagavad Gita as our primary tool of counselling at the school. Apart from this, we believe that we need to involve the students in the right kind of socialisation programmes which are continuous, all-pervading, permeating everything that is experienced at large – for example helping them recite slokas, songs, plays, discussions, recite comprehension passage, rapid book reading program, titles for creative writing, themes for projects, system of appreciation (Best Behaved Child, Best Disciplined Child etc.) – all based on the value education model.

Thus Vishwa Vidyapeeth ensures that each and every programme of the school conveys some or other basic values so that their importance in VVP is imbibed deep into the child’s mind. We ensure to work within the framework of our constitutional values that is desirable to be inculcated into the future citizens of India.

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    For Year 2025-2026

    Contact Us Varthur - (7022009757 / 7676227483)