School is the safety net that protects our children from deprivation and provides a platform where in children can be offered opportunities to explore and grow together. At Vishwa Vidyapeeth we aim to nurture the early years of a child to understand the world around them.
Highlights of VVP Pre-Primary Program

Teaching Methodology for Tarang
Every child is born with some ability. It is the nature which is going to nurture the child to become a well-rounded personality. The first school for any child is the home and the first teacher is the mother. When a child enters the school, we need to accept the child and provide a well-rounded curriculum and conducive environment for the child to grow.
There are many psychologists who have told the stages of development of personality. We at Vishwa Vidyapeeth believe in Howard Gardener’s “Theory of Multiple Intelligences”. Multiple Intelligences are a set of abilities, talents or mutual skills that an individual possesses to a greater or lesser extent. Every child will have a dominant intelligence modality. We at Vishwa Vidyapeeth try to focus on every child’s strength and the dominant intelligence so as to nourish the same.
Based on their dominant intelligence, a child’s future career choice is influenced. If a child is not able to pick up the instructions orally, the same children will be able to understand the concept in the form of art or music like a rhyme or indulging them into colouring activity. At Vishwa Vidyapeeth, we concentrate on what are the strengths of the child so that they will achieve the specified goal. Our children are exposed to various mediums of learning like Library, Art Lab, Music Lab, Dance Lab, Sand pit, Splash Pool etc.

We Believe
To inculcate, values, we also INVOLVE our children in various activities like growing vegetables, tidying up the classroom, replacing plates in the crates after lunch, sharing with others, conducting assemblies and so on. Our children are not confined to classrooms. There is learning which happens during the field trips, nature walks (inside the campus), natural experiential learning with classes under the tree etc. The aim is always to help children to face their life.
Understanding the science of our body mechanism can help us to mould our children better. The reason for introducing pranayama for our children is to help improve their brain functioning. If your right nostril is dominant, the left side of your brain will be dominant and vice-versa. The right nostril is directly related to the sympathetic part of the brain, the fight or flight mechanism. On the other side, the left nostril is directly related with the parasympathetic part of the brain, the rest and repair mechanism.
According to this, breathing through the right nostril will make you tap into a more energetic state of mind and at the same time results in an unbalanced state of mind by creating more stress and lowering our immunologic defences. At the same time, breathing through the left nostril will make you relax and calm down.
Our Mascot
Dolly, the Blue Dolphin is our mascot of Tarang. Regarded as one of Earth’s most intelligent animals, Dolly is a highly social, caring, fun-loving, mischievous yet innocent, playful and cute little replica of our little tiny tots. She is wise, she is sweet and she is adorable. This heart-throb is a super hit with our little marvels and she continues to inspire and awe them to progress into their wonder years with confidence and courage.

Pre-Primary Life at Tarang
Concept Based Learning
The pre-primary programme is spread out over three years – Nursery, Lower Kindergarten, and Upper Kindergarten. The pace of the curriculum is decided keeping in mind the social, cognitive and emotional requirements of the child. The idea is to a have a safe and secure learning space to help children concept based learning with help of colour theme programs and other age-appropriate activities. Encouraging children to think independently, the school believes in laying equal emphasis on the school ethos of discipline and mutual respect.
Skill Based Learning
Gross Motor Skills Training
- Dancing, either freestyle or through songs with movements
- Playing pretend: Kids boost motor skills when they use their bodies to become soaring planes, galloping horses, waddling ducks, stiff-legged robots etc. – letting loose their imagination!!
- Pulling or pushing wagons, large trucks, doll strollers, or shopping carts, maybe as part of dramatic play
- Large-scale arts and crafts activities
- Walking around the garden in the campus. For variety, we add in marching, jogging, skipping, hopping, or even musical instruments to form a parade. As they walk, children are told stories, look for colours, count, or play games
- More obstacle courses, with rocks, logs, or playground equipment
- Hidden Treasure activity
- Riding tricycles, throwing, catching, kicking, and rolling large, lightweight, soft balls
- Swinging, sliding, and climbing at the playground
Fine Motor Skills Training
- Puppet shows
- Any art project, like finger painting or playing with clay
- Finger plays – songs with accompanying hand movements
- Cooking without fire – includes pouring, shaking, sprinkling, kneading, tearing, cutting with butter knife
- Circle Time or Carpet Time
- Lacing cards or stringing beads
- Colouring and tracing with crayons, pencils, or markers
- Cutting with safety scissors
- Manipulative toys such as blocks, puzzles, or dolls with clothes to take on and off
- Reading and Storytelling time
Day Care
Being a working parent can be challenging. At Vishwa Vidyapeeth we provide a safe place for your child after he/she finishes school. We house a day care facility for all our in-house children with bus drop facility. In case of extended day care, parents have to pick up the child from school campus. The day care runs as per the requirements of the parents and we offer flexibility in the same. Students have a nap time after lunch and are served milk and snacks in the evening. Further, we provide them with recreational programs including toy library and play time.
Language, Math & EVS
Children learn phonics, communication skills, reading abilities and writing practice in Languages. They explore numbers through rhymes, puzzles, counting games and other fun activities. They further discover different scientific concepts through hand-on activities that help them register through immediate observation, investigation and exploration.

Sand Play & Splash Pool
To work on their hand-eye coordination and also help them enjoy their group activities, sand play and splash pool activities are introduced. This helps to facilitate their construction skills, social skills as well as other fine motor skills.
Art & Craft
All the basic skills of cutting, pasting, writing a name, counting – the pre-skills for later learning – can be challenging for young learners. The earlier these skills are mastered the sooner the learner’s confidence in their abilities will increase.

Music, Dance & Library
The learners are involved in weekly classes in Music (Sapa), Dance (Agni Steps Dance Academy) and Library.
Free play& Football
As children are still in their growing years, we introduce only free play at this stage to help them enjoy the game as well as work on their skills.

Organic Farming
Food also plays an important role in the curriculum at our school. We teach our children how to grow things on their own to inculcate positive attitudes, appreciate healthy eating habits as well as create environmental awareness about the importance of this important resource and curb wastage practices. Leading by example, our in-house kitchen incorporates meals with such organic food grown at the campus.
Nutritious & Healthy Eating Habits
A neat canteen equipped with the best quality cereals and fresh vegetables, cooked with hygiene is served in a huge Dining Hall to Children and Staff for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner served for the hostel Boys and the Staff.

Special Classrooms for Pre-primary
With the level in Pre – Primary Teaching, Learning and Play Activities are made interesting, fun filled and activity oriented. The classrooms for Pre Primary are designed at Varthur with special artistic designs, in the picturesque garden of our school.
Bhagavad Gita Classes
India is multi-cultural, multi linguistic country. Every child should know their own country. To inculcate values, we believe that the child needs a hands-on experience to know better and accept the same. So we felt learning Bhagavad Gita would help in overall personality development of the child by helping child to concentrate, to discipline him/her and respect each other.

Life is a celebration and so should it be! As teachings begin at home, the celebrations and importance of each day begins during our assembly. We introduce each festival, special occasion and commemoration during the assembly through skits, group songs, speeches and role plays.
Pre Primary curriculum is equipped with numerous stimulating activities like fancy dress, colour based weeks, theme based learning etc. for enhancement of the knowledge building, sharing among our students, building up their confidence and abilities through various competitions, activities and thought provoking subjects in academics, sports and performing arts.

Field Trips
Create a garden; bring children to farm, hospitals, fire station, supermarket or just the metro station for field trips. We believe it is important that parents and teachers get together to do one or two things they can accomplish well – a teaching garden, where students can move around, see and learn from real life surroundings and weave the food of curiosity into the curriculum.