Vishwa Vidyapeeth has organised various workshops to bring the school and parents together. The idea is to improve the academic and social success for children. The workshops have been quite successful and endorsed by both parents and staff alike. A wide variety of topics of interest for all parents is covered during the workshop, within the familiar environment of the school community.
We have got several testimonials from parents which confirm that the skills and strategies learned during the workshops helps parents to groom children better. The workshops basically help to impart techniques of better parenting, helping children to grow in confidence and resilience with better cooperation, communication, zeal to try new things and to persevere. It also motivates them to do well academically and socially. Be it academic, artistic or sporting endeavours – without placing undue pressure on the children, parents can support them to perform much better.
Workshops are 90 minutes with a group size between 20 and 100. See below for our list of workshops. This is not a complete list as we are developing new topics all the time.
- Parent Expectations Vs Child Expectations
- Bringing up children in a digital world
- Helping children build better relationships
- How to praise children the right way
- Brain and behaviour
- How to say “No” without stress
- Discipline for Kindergarten children
- Changes in Adolescence
- Building confidence
- Setting right expectations and building confidence
- Behaviour & emotions
- Teens & Discipline
- Social Skills
- Values
- Media & Technology

After the workshops finish, parents often get in touch with us and we enjoy hearing about different successes in school, new friendships and improvements to family life.