A Unique Independence Day 2020 Celebration at VVP

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Independence day always reminds us of Parades, Cultural Programs and Patriotic Celebrations. This year Vishwa Vidyapeeth school came up with a unique idea of celebrating the day of freedom by paying tributes to our unsung heroes. Yes, our unsung heroes Drivers, Security, Supporting Staff and housekeeping staff in schools make us feel safe, secure and clean. The Independence Day 2020 was celebrated at Vishwa Vidyapeeth, Singanayakanahalli, Yelahanka campus and the chief guest for the day was Mr Uttamchand Jain, the founder of Akhila Karnataka PraniDaya, he is also one of the earliest members of Karnataka Government GosevaAayog. He has been instrumental in guiding our future generations with the benefits of Livestock farming. The message that Sri Uttamji wants to share with our children today is “Rejoice – You are born in Independent India!” The band march consisted of the Heads of the school, teachers, admin, cook and other support staff. The March Past was conducted by the school drivers and the Drill for the day was demonstrated by the housekeeping staff. It was an endearing sight to behold and see these people come out from behind the curtains and shine bright on the day when India celebrates freedom. Truly, this shows the beauty of Independent India where no difference in designation, class, caste or creed can separate us, the Indians. Finally, we are all Indians. Be it our aunties or drivers who are not highly educated, today they have set an example like none other. No celebration can be ever complete until every section of the society has equal participation in the Independence Day celebration 2020. In fact, the staff has not only helped us to inspire our next generation by volunteering for this programme but also shown that patriotism is a feeling that needs to be instilled in spite of any challenges that we may face. With such involvement, we are not only fulfilling our responsibility of celebrating Independence Day but setting an example that no situation can stop us from what we want to achieve.

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