Student Life

Student Life

Alumni Stories

The UniCamp community is a widespread network made up of 5 schools and over 60,000 alumni in more than 140 countries worldwide.
Nunc maximus, nulla ut commodo sagittis, sapien dui mattis dui, non pulvinar lorem felis nec erat. Nunc maximus, sapien dui mattis dui, non pulvinar lorem felis nec erat.

Alumni News

What's happening in UniCamp

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Having the right blend of work and study is a key element of curriculum at Vishwa Vidyapeeth. All students are made to gain practical experience during the course of their academic education. Gaining expertise to work in groups, cultivating voluntary spirit and getting ready to face challenges in day-to-day life are the major outcomes of these activities that help us to enrich their curriculum. Additionally, we aim to emulate the practices of the top 10 best ICSE schools in Bangalore.

Having the right blend of work and study is a key element of curriculum at Vishwa Vidyapeeth. All students are made to gain practical experience during the course of their academic education. Gaining expertise to work in groups, cultivating voluntary spirit and getting ready to face challenges in day-to-day life are the major outcomes of these activities that help us to enrich their curriculum.

At Vishwa Vidyapeeth, the aim is to encourage them to participate in a wide variety of fields. We conduct many activities apart from the ones mentioned above that ensure engaging students in arts programmes,  cross-cultural communication, healthy discussion of opinions, inculcating constructive sportsmanship, personal counseling for students, giving back to society programmes, and overall holistic growth of the students. Few other common programmes conducted during the academic calendar include:

  • Dasha Prabodha activities
  • Skype-a-thon
  • SAPA for primary classes
  • Focus on learning Sanskrit Language
  • Yoga for all students
  • Bhagavad Gita Classes for all students
  • Arts Programme
  • Global Learning opportunities
  • Speech & Debate
  • Personal counseling
  • Imbibing cultural values
  • Organic farming
  • Nutritious Diet
  • Scholarships
  • General awareness with MIME performances
  • Safety Drives
  • Swachh Bharat Mission
  • Star class of the month
  • Celebration of important days – Environment Day, International Yoga Day, etc.
  • Visit to USA & NASA
  • ISA Projects
  • Residential summer camp

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